LAR S.p.A. and Metallurgica Abruzzese S.p.A. are developing a research and development project, called “Advanced ergonomic agro-biocompatible macro-alveolar flooring in a peculiar reticular reinforced biopolymer material for the original poultry breeding with free-air system on land remodeled into a sustainable laying bed consistent with the principle of ‘ethics, for animal welfare, for the refinement of the hygienic-sanitary conditions of breeding and the consequent elevation of significant standards”, which had the support of the European Regional Development Fund – PON Enterprises and Competitiveness 2014-2020 – Axis VI – Investment priorities 13i – Action 3.1.1
The aim of the project is to create a new mesh coated with bacteriostatic biopolymer material, to be used for rearing poultry with a free-air and/or biological system, capable of drastically containing the action of bacteria and fungi and reducing the use of antibiotics and antimicrobials, to the benefit of animal health and meat quality, with healthier, more ethically sustainable, safer and nutritionally more valid foods.
Expected results
The final result of the project is the realization of prototypes of modified polyolefin grids, reinforced with metal wire. The grates must have antibacterial properties, an ergonomic shape, good resistance to atmospheric agents and solar radiation, good chemical resistance and flexible thermo-mechanical behavior at low and high temperatures. The modified polyolefin blends should possess the above properties and have good adhesion to the galvanized wire, as required in fluidized bed processes.
Project start: 04/27/2020
Expected end of project: 07/31/2023
Expected cost: €1,584,375.00
Expected financial support: €731,796.88 (contribution) + €316,875.00 (subsidized loan)
Donations received: € 53,662.50 (contribution) + € 17,887.50 (subsidised loan)
Funded as part of the Union’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic